Cinema 4d materials
Cinema 4d materials

If this step was useful, be sure to like, share, and visit for more great tutorials and resources. This can be either a single material or an entire model in Cinema 4D format. So this makes it easy to quickly preview various materials and how they'll look in the context of your scene and its lighting. In the appearing dialog box, browse for a Cinema 4D file. Make sure the entire material preview is highlighted and release the mouse button, and now all of those materials are replaced.

cinema 4d materials

Again, just Alt+Drag down over the material preview. Let's go ahead and grab this brighter blue and replace the existing light blue here in the scene. If I switch into the content browser, I've searched here for various car paints. Screen We’ll have a look at the Layered Material and how Material Layers work for the screen. We’ll use polygon selections here to mask off the areas of the crate we want these materials to appear in. This is even cooler when we combine it with the content browser. We’ll use two Mix Materials to show off how that system works and why it’s still relevant in Octane for Cinema 4D. When we release the mouse you'll see that all of the cream-colored cars now take the red paint, and all of the texture assignments on all those objects have been updated as well so that all of them use the same material.

cinema 4d materials

Make sure the entire material preview is highlighted. The trick to making overlays work is by creating two materials your. Simply select the material that you want to keep and Alt+Drag over the material that you want to replace. Cinema 4D has a very simple and effective method of adding overlay textures to your meshes. You can easily replace materials in Cinema 4D with the Alt or Option key.

Cinema 4d materials